
  • In your own words, briefly explain by writing down what an assignment operator is
    • An assignment operator are symbols that define what an variable equals to. in other words it is like math’s addition, subtraction, multiply, division
  • In Collegeboard pseudocode, what symbol is used to assign values to variables?
    • the symbole that is used to assign values to varible is the arrow pointing to the left symbol (<-)
  • A variable, x, is initially given a value of 15. Later on, the value for x is changed to 22. If you print x, would the command display 15 or 22?
    • the x varible would print 22.


` num1=input(“Input a number. “) num2=input(“Input a number. “) num3=input(“Input a number. “) add=input(“How much would you like to add? “)`

numlist = [int(num1), int(num2), int(num3) for i in numlist: numlist[i -1] += int(add) print(numlist)`



