
  • there is qunatem computing in CSU: cal state sqn marcos
  • she had no guidance
  • she failed most of her classs
  • she never let failures define her
  • she went for phd
  • martial scientist
  • failures never define u
  • cal state opened more oppturnities for her


  • started at polarmor collage
  • stayed there for three years
  • pursued computer science degree
  • he graduated
  • impressive school
  • took 16 months to get her degree
  • perusing computer science is versatile
  • using computer science is essential and used for all majors

about san marcos

  • san marcos is a newer school
  • new engineering building
  • they have new stuff every year for engineering
  • favorite facility is the highest turn over
  • common to see people in san marcos
  • there is so many local industries in san diego
    • qualcomm and other
  • 250 stairs in san marco
    • very nice legs
  • chem, bio chem, applied physics, minor electronics, biological scientists, master at cyber security, and then computer engineering starting at fall
  • smaller campus = more room for change
  • you can change from computer science to computer engineering easily
  • a lot of option in math too
  • a lot of people in applied physics are very hands on and new


  • physics
  • Chem and bio chem
  • Bio tech
  • math
  • Computer science
  • software engineer
  • electrical engineering


  • cybersecurity club
  • robotics
  • 3d printing
  • women in stem
  • soociety of women enginerris
  • and mroe!!!!


  • what is an internship?
    • offered by a org from 4 months years to 2 years
  • to get internship, muat have netweoirks
  • mario kart guy to be more friendly top people
  • you can also join clubs
  • check your emails reguarly
  • constantly spamming with good things
  • google interneships
  • a lot of offerd programs
  • try to get paid for your work and detication
  • also apply if you are underqualified
  • ask facciltie memebers for help on your resume
    • a second pair of notes help


  • 10 week summer program
  • very enjoyable
  • you also get paid
  • 6k for full time, 3k for part time
  • you can get paid while persuing your interest
  • people admitted in cal state can get 1500 in the program
  • one for people interesting in chem and biochem
  • people studying meterorite
  • making vertial reality labs

paying for colalge

  • get a scholarship
  • play in a sprt

looking for a schoarship

  • in virtually anything
  • in terms of grants is in the democrat
  • your grades matter
  • how much your parents earn
  • applying indepinted can help you in the scholarship


  • college debt is scary
    • dont
    • subsizdiez
      • not backed by the governemtn
    • unsub
      • you are backed by the governmet
  • be smarter with your debt
  • start savinfg now

life after csum

  • got a schaorship in san diego zoo
  • a lot of people go into undergra
  • some people get paid to be a graduate programs
  • if you work somewhere, you could be paid for it
  • if you go for phd, dont pay a dime

