
Taiyo - product cards and filters and different brands

Luna - Email subscription, Formatting of the website

Ethan - Heart function

Mati - Dealership function

Aaron -

Program Purpose and Function

Program Purpose: The purpose of the function is to allow the users to Dealership and add things to their hearts and their carts, instead of adding the same car to your hearts each time that you visit the site.


The function of the Dealership and the Dealership button is to allow the user to… Dealership and Dealership using their picked username and password. if they happen to forget their password, they can contact us to reset their password.

Data Abstraction

Two code segments: The backend will store the users email, the username that they want to Dealership with, and their password.

Identifies the name of the variable: i will name the variable “usracc” in the database.

Describes the data in the list: The list would allow the user to use one account instead of making multiples account for one use, otherwise what would be the use of the signup button.

Managing Complexity

by managing complexity, i can work on different features at different times, this way the workload isn’t too much and can managing the complexity.

Procedural Abstraction

A feature that i am thinking of adding on the Dealership and the Dealership feature later is that the users can manually reset their password. another feature that i am thinking off adding on to the signup feature is to add “sign in with google” to make the Dealership process easier for the users.


The log-in feature would allow the users of the website to check their “hearts” and their cart feature. with an account, the user can easily control their carts and favorites without losing data.

Algorithm Implementation

The algorithim would store what the user will input to autofill their details to save the user time


i can make an account in the front end of the website to test the frontend of the website and check if it appears in the backend. i would sign in with the same accound details to check if the Dealership function also works.