LUKA: Section 3.3 Video #1.

SAAVAN: Section 3.3 Video #2.

ANTHONY: Section 3.3 Video #3.

MATI: Section 3.4 Video #1.

Ideas and the Video Paraphrased.


Goal: Express an algorithm that uses sequencing without using programming language.

Algorithm is a finite set of instruction that accomplish a task, it can be expressed by natural language, diagrams, etc.

Sequencing are the steps of task need to be schedule. Selection is the choice between yes and no which refer to true and false in programming language. Iteration is when you need to repeat the same step after selection, whether if it's true or false.

For example, when you are make an algorithm to count the even number in a list. The code will first get the number, then make the selection if it's even or not. If the selection is no, then it will run iteration to add 1, after running this number the code will see if there are more numbers to determine and keep looping until all the numbers are turned even, then the computer will display the count.

For lesson planning:

  • We are going to teach students about how to express an algorithm using sequencing without using a programming language.
  • An algorithm is a finite set of instructions that accomplish a specific task
  • algorithm can be represented in a variety of ways including natural languages, diagrams, and pseudocode
  • Algorithms executed by programs are implemented using programming languages
  • Every algorithm can be constructed using combinations of sequencing, selection, and iteration
  • An algorithm is a set of instructions that help you achieve a result that you are expecting, like a recipe when you are cooking food
  • Algorithms are done in a sequence, also known as an order of doing something. example of this is when you wake up in the morning and the order that you get ready for school.
  • A selection allows an algorithm to make a decision based on if a condition is met, an example of this is when your car is out of fuel, you go to the gas station to fill your car, but if your car is full you wouldn't go to teh gas station.
  • An iteration is a loop and doing something again until a condition is met, like you put away your computer when you are finished with your work.
  • I would also show the example that is displayed on collegeboard and show which parts of it are sequencing, selection, and iteration
  • Show the example of the pseudocode that finds the largest number in a list of positive numbers
  • Then I would show the last example where the students need to find out where the different parts the sequencing, selection, and iteration are
  • Then students need to show where the sequencing, selection, and iterations are in the pseudocode
  • Recap about the what algorithms are and how they help us accomplish tasks and the differnt parts of algorithms.

Mathematical Expressions Video 2

How do we represent a step-by-step algorithmic process using sequential code statements?

  • First off what is a sequential code statement?
    • Sequential statements are used in processes to specify how signals are assigned. The process is executed in order as a whole. After all the sequential statements in the process are executed the signals are assigned their new values. They execute in the order in which they appear in the process.
  • Sequencing - First step to do- Second step to do - third step to do
    • Followed in the order that the code comes in.
    • You can put numerical values within variables. You can also put variable values inside other variables
      • Ex. grade - 82
      • Ex. highScore - currentScore
    • Can also store results of operations inside of a variable
      • Ex. name - firstName + lastName
    • Can store results of a procedure call
      • Average - calcAverage (10,20,30)
    • Order of operations very important
      • Ex. grade1 - 10
      • Grade 2 - grade 1
  • Example Problem - calculate and display average of 25, 32, 42
    • Num1 - 25
    • Num2 -32
    • Num3 - 42
    • Average - (num1 + num2 + num3)/3
    • DISPLAY (Average)

Goal: Evaluate expression using arithmetic operator

Arithmetic operator are language that use addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulus operator.

The order of the operation is the same as mathematic operation.

Example of operator: a+b grade+10

multiplications are represent with * divisions are represent with / modulus are represent with MOD(all caps)

Modulus operator give the a result of left over for example, 9 MOD 2. Since 9 divided by 2 is not a whole number. It will evaluate the left over with the closest whole number division which is 8.

The order of arithmetic operator: Division, multiplication and MOD are the greater, then addition and subtraction

For lesson planning: We can do a quiz with example similar to college board. Will we define num1,2,and 3, then put it into a operator with multiplication, addition, subtraction, division, and MOD.


Goal: Evaluate expression that manipulate strings

String concatenation joins two or more strings end-to-end to make a new string

A substring is part of an existing string

  • Ordered sequences of characters
  • some procedures may exist that can be used with strings
  • each language has its own procedures, methods, and functions. Fun fact: Space bar is also a character.
Examples of strings:
  • len (str)

    • returns the number of character is str
    • len("hello") returns 5
  • concat (str1, str2)

    • returns a single string consisting of str1 followed by str 2
    • concat("hello","world") return hello world
  • substring (str1, str2, length)

    • returns a substring of consecutive character from str1, starting the character at position 'start' and containing 'length' character
    • substring ("hello","world", 4,2) returns hell wo

Lesson Planning:

Luka introducing the topic and the table of contents. we are going to present off a notebook that we make before hand. Luka, Saavan, and Antony will read out their parts of the assignment and explain the video in a short summery of each video from section 3.3. After they finish, we will do a fun teaching assignment where the students have to find the correct answer out of other 5 other incorrect answer. This will be five questions long. The student with the most right answer will get a pat on the shoulder. if there is a tie, their fate will be chosen by a tie-breaker question. after the game, Matty will read out his part of the assignment and explain the video in a short summery. After he finishes, we will play a word soup game where all of the vocabulary from section 3.4. The person with the most word found will also get a pat on the shoulder.